Operación Circo Rojo en Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War — Cómo Encontrar a los Tres Sospechosos
In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, there are several side missions that require thorough preparation and certain actions before you can proceed with the actual mission. Operation Red Circus tasks you with eliminating Soviet Major Vadim Rudnik, who is infiltrating Soviet agents into the governments of several European countries. You have a list of eight suspects, but you can narrow it down to three. It's time to do some detective work. Here's how to find the suspects in Operation Red Circus.
What Evidence is Needed for Operation Red Circus?
The following evidence is necessary to successfully identify the correct suspects:
- Wristwatch Containing Dead Drop List (Desperate Measures);
- Cassette Tape with Activities Report (Echoes of a Cold War);
- Franz Kraus's Ledger (Brick in the Wall).
If you missed any of the evidence listed above, replay the specified missions and find the clues. Once you have all three, you will need to solve a puzzle.
How to Find the Correct Suspects?
Each player will have unique information, so we can't just name the three suspects. You will have to do some detective work. First, examine Franz Kraus's Ledger. It contains three code names: Bearded Lady, Strong Man, and Juggler, as well as three cities and three dates. This is your first clue.
Review the list of suspects and note everyone who was in the specified cities on the specified dates. These are your initial suspects. You will likely have several people who were in certain cities on certain days. Then, examine the Cassette Tape with Activities Report. It will tell you the gender of each code name. Look at the pronouns used in the descriptions to determine which code name is male and which is female.
To find the final clue, examine the wristwatch containing the dead drop list. Here you can find another set of cities and dates corresponding to each code name. Review the list of suspects once again. Anyone who matches the cities and dates of the code name is a correct suspect. For example, in this case, the Bearded Lady was in Barcelona on January 9 and in East Berlin on September 16. This matched two possible suspects, Harvey Spray and Eliana Miller, but since we know that the Bearded Lady was a woman (from the cassette), we can conclude that it is Eliana Miller. Of course, in your case, it will be different, but this is the general principle you should follow when selecting suspects.
Once you are sure that you have the three correct suspects, select their portraits to mark them as targets. Then just start the mission as usual. You won't be able to change your decision during the mission, so make sure you have made the right choice before starting. Once you finish this mission, you will be able to proceed with the code-breaking and disk decryption for Operation Chaos.
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